Remote Physiotherapy – Telehealth
It is the use of modern communication and information technologies to enable clinical assistance to patients remotely. It is usually done over a video consultation.
A large number of health sectors are developing institutional frameworks and technological backgrounds for remote assistance. So you can come across concepts with the prefix Tel = remote – distant and second synthetic the healthcare industry that provides these services (Telehealth). Examples are from medicine, nursing, physiotherapy as well as specialized fields such as psychiatry and other specialties.
At a video consultation, the physiotherapist will ask you for a detailed description of the problem you are dealing with, the possible medical diagnosis that comes with it, and will also ask you general questions about your overall health and your medical history.
He may ask you to show him movements or positions that relieve or aggravate your symptoms as well as to assess your level of functionality or disability through simple activities.
This will help the physio to determine if you can be helped by designing a physiotherapy program remotely or if this is not possible in your case.
If possible, we will design a personalized recovery program for you that you should implement yourself. In this case, it is possible to set up some online meetings to monitor the progress of your problem.
Once you have a problem that would normally need physiotherapy, there is really no reason not to try physiotherapy remotely. In the first remote session you will learn whether you can deal with your problem remotely or not, and if so how.